Satisfaction Survey Form (#1)

Good Day ! Welcome to Shane’s Kitchen

We trust you have received your items in good condition and are enjoying the food thus far. Should your experience with us leave you a little underwhelmed, we seek your kind understanding and assistance to help us serve you better.

The food items you have received are generally curated to

  • boost immunity and improve gut health

  • encourage eating, better nutrition and aids digestion in weaning babies, young children, busy professionals, and the elderly

  • assist people on special diets due to certain medical conditions

  • suit anyone looking to work towards a sustainable healthy living

As such, our food items contain

  • no added salt
  • no refined sugar
  • no preservatives
  • no additive
  • no flavour enhancers
  • no stabilisers

unless otherwise stated.

Tell us a little about yourself.

Shane’s Kitchen thank you for your kindness, and time in helping us to better understand your needs. Do stay connected with us on our Instagram and we look forward to serving you in the near future. In the meantime, stay safe and have a great day ahead !