Food, Home-Made-Food-Singapore

Vitamins & Minerals: Why it is needed, Where it is found

Vitamins & Minerals- Why it is needed, Where it is found

Nothing can beat a bowl of mom-made food, no matter how many fancy dishes and eateries I’ve checked out in Singapore. Growing up, I loved how she would make hearty meals with all the good stuff—vegetables, protein, carbs, vitamins, and minerals.

Now that I’m a mom myself, I get how important those meals are to keeping me going strong through the day and staying healthy. For Shane, I want him to make him loads of healthy home-cooked food growing up in Singapore. But as parents, we don’t always have everything figured out. But that’s OK. We can take it one step at a time and pass on the knowledge bit by bit, so our little ones can make it a part of their daily grind. Take, for example, vitamins and minerals.

Vitamins and minerals are the nutrients that keep our bodies running smoothly.

Vitamins & Minerals for health

Vitamins and minerals play a pivotal role in our overall health and well-being. Let’s explore vitamins and minerals for maintaining our overall well-being:

  •  Table 1: Vitamins for Health
VitaminRole in the BodyAdditional Benefits
Vitamin AAids vision, bone growth, cellular processes, immunitySupports reproduction, growth, and development.
Vitamin DFacilitates calcium absorption, cancer cell controlManages infections and inflammation.
Vitamin EEnhances immunity, prevents blood clottingOpens blood vessels, preventing clot formation.
Vitamin KAssists blood clotting, speeds wound healingEssential for post-injury recovery.
Vitamin CAntioxidant, promotes bone, cartilage, and blood vesselsEnhances skin health and overall vitality.
B-Group VitaminsStrengthens nerves, converts carbs into energyCrucial for kids and breastfeeding mothers.
  • Table 2: Minerals for Health
MineralRole in the BodyExtra Benefits
CalciumStrengthens bones and teeth, regulates heart functionMaintains muscle and blood clotting.
IodineVital for thyroid hormones, metabolic rate controlSupports brain and body growth.
IronOxygen transportation, energy for cellsEnsures an effective immune system.
ZincSupports growth, development, immune functionCrucial for overall bodily functions.
MagnesiumPromotes bone health, regulates blood pressureMaintains immune function, lung health.
PotassiumAids nerves, muscles, heart functionContributes to healthy blood pressure.
SodiumMaintains blood volume and tissue fluidsHelps maintain proper bodily balance.

Vitamins & Minerals in our daily foods

Isn’t it incredible how everyday meals have hidden vitamins and minerals essential for our bodies? The ingredients we choose and the way we prepare them help us find balance in the five food groups.

Source of vitamins

  • Vitamin A comes in various forms, and you’ll find it in many foods. The best sources from the plant kingdom are the rainbow of goodness, veggies, and fruits. For instance, a small serving of carrot (90g) boasts approximately 835 µg of vitamin A, while a slice of cantaloupe (90g) offers around 27µg.
  • Soaking in the sun isn’t just good for your soul; it’s good for your body. 10-15 minutes of sun exposure three times a week is enough. You’ll also get vitamin D in home-cooked foods in Singapore, like milk, margarine, bread, and cereals. 100 gm of tuna provides a range of 11-20.5µg of vitamin D, while 100g of cooked salmon delivers around 9µg.
  • Vitamin E is abundant in plant oils from vegetables and nuts. Sunflower oil (100g) is a good source of the nutrient, with roughly 48.7µg of vitamin E, while safflower oil (100g) contains approximately 38.7µg. If you love nuts, like hazelnuts or almonds, these nuts can provide a considerable amount of vitamin E.
  • The green and leafy veggies, like broccoli, spinach, and kale, that your little fussy eater always picks on are the best sources of vitamin K. A cup (90g) of kale contains 547µg of this nutrient.
  • Ever wondered why doctors recommend consuming vitamin C when you’re down with a cold? The nutrient is rich with antioxidants that help you fight against the flu. Fruits like apricot, orange, guava, and cantaloupe are an ideal source of vitamin C. A medium-sized orange is packed with 50µg of vitamin C.
  • For a B vitamin-packed diet, go for a mix of fresh foods like meat, dairy, cereals, and plenty of fruits and veggies.

Source of minerals

  • Dairy delights like milk, yoghurt, and cheese, along with some plant-based foods such as tofu and breakfast cereals, are excellent sources of calcium. Consuming 100 gm of powdered milk gives you 1020 mg of calcium.
  • We only need a pinch of iodine in our diet, and it’s naturally found in foods like dairy products, seafood, seaweed (kelp), eggs, and iodised salt. In 20g seaweed, there’s up to 4000µg iodine present.
  • Iron comes from both animal and plant-based foods, from red meat and fish to poultry, legumes, etc.
  • Magnesium can be found in nuts like cashews, legumes, dark green vegetables, seafood, whole grains, and even chocolate and cocoa.
  • Fruits, nuts, vegetables, lean meats, eggs, and fish help to maintain the right balance of potassium in our body.
  • The primary source of sodium in our body is salt. However, make sure to control your sodium intake, as it may cause health hazards.

At Shane’s Kitchen, we brew healthy home-cooked food in Singapore, like stocks, porridges, soups, congee, and more. We don’t add extra salt, sugar, or other preservatives, considering your health is our top priority.